Sunday, July 4, 2010

1. The Plan

I got my arrêté de nomination (work contract) in the mail today. I will be living in Tarbes, which is very far south, near the border with Spain and the Pyrenees mountains. The school I will be teaching in is the Lycée Théophile Gautier, a high school right in the middle of the city. Not near any other big cities, but at least it's not in the middle of nowhere! And in case I need any miracles, I will be right next to the healing waters of Lourdes. Now I just need to get a visa to France, apply to law schools, and pack my entire life for a year. Oh yeah, and wait out the 2.5 months before I can actually leave.

Photos of my school--apparently it's 500 years old

Map showing where Tarbes is in France