Monday, March 14, 2011

I am finally back "home" after 2 wonderful but exhausting weeks.  I want to write about everything (actually, let's face it, I don't really because I'm lazy) but today I'm just writing to say that I got home safely and am feeling pretty good about life: Tarbes feels like home every time I come back from travelling, the weather is warm and sunny, I just spent an awesome week with my sister, my students were all nice and fun today, I just got back from having a lovely coffee and sitting in a lovely square enjoying the lovely weather with Sam, and I'm leaving again in 6 days to chaperone my students on a week-long trip to London.  Also, including this week, but not including the week in London, I have 5 weeks of teaching left.  So that's pretty much just a whole lot of goodness :)

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